The Semicolon Wars

This is the first installment in a series of articles that I'll be reviewing to add some content to my blog. The first article to review is going to be "The Semicolon Wars" by Brian Hayes.

The article was published in the acclaimed magazine "American Scientist".This article starts by creating a metaphor between the languages spoken in the world, and the programming languages in the world. One of my highlights of the article, is the following quote:

"That means that we've been inventing one language a week, on average, ever since Fortran."

I recommend this article if you really want to pique your curiosity start, like me, a deep dive in Wikipedia, searching for languages older than Google. One of my favorite searches was the "Simula 67" language. Which is really amazing to see. It looks like the weird son of Visual Basic with C

Simula 67 code for a Sigma function. [Thanks Wikipedia]

Real Procedure Sigma (k, m, n, u);
   Name k, u;
   Integer k, m, n; Real u;
   Real s;
   k:= m;
   While k <= n Do Begin s:= s + u; k:= k + 1; End;
   Sigma:= s;

There are conventions as long as there are variants, the author mentions. I do think it is a fun and  insightful thought. Which is why I decided to do my opinionated echelon of the best programming languages (and also making other programmers mad in the process.)

Tabs vs Spaces
tabs, as tabs are resizable to each one's comfortable view. But I should probably switch to spaces, because Programmers that use spaces earn more

Naming Conventions
droopyCamelCase for all methods
CamelCase for all classes
_  for private members.
_  for spaces (javascript go away with your - )

Sublime text for life. IntelliJ and Webstorm for all other things

One of the interesting things that the article made me reflect about is Hendrik Einchenhardt's quote:

"shared mutable state is the root of all evil."
As a final note, regarding the Author's comments on Lisp.

Hayes, B. The Semicolon Wars American Scientist (2006) Consulted Aug 14 2017. Retrieved from 
